What is Colombian Coffee and Why is it Special?

Many people in the world fame themselves a coffee lover – it has become a big sensation these days to just go somewhere and order a rich cup of coffee and just relax and lay back. Instagram and other social media apps and influencers have made a whole phenomenon out of this major trend that has attracted so many people worldover. But how many people truly know and understand their coffee? Maybe just a handful of them. There are so many different types of coffee such as Ethiopian Coffee, Colombian Coffee, French Coffee, Brazilian Coffee etc. There are many different kinds of coffee beans, different techniques of roasting, different techniques of brewing and roasting and ultimately different types of coffee blends. Knowing coffee and truly enjoying a cup of rich, luxurious, aromatic cup of coffee may really not be everyone’s cup of tea (pun intended!)
Colombian Coffee | Introduction
Of all the major types of coffee and its categories, the one that is admired the most is perhaps the Colombian Coffee. Colombian coffee is not a type of coffee bean or species but in essence is the coffee that is grown in the country of Colombia in South America. Colombia is a tropical country located in a high altitude with moderate to warm temperatures. The land is fertile, warm and receives plenty of natural rainfall making coffee plants to thrive in this land. The type of coffee beans that are most popularly cultivated here is Arabica Coffee. One of the two major types of coffee in the world, the other one being Robusta Coffee.
Arabica coffee is known for its dark yet smooth blend, giving a rich and ultra luxurious coffee. The coffee is known for its golden blends with a sweet aftertaste. The coffee has a medium body and makes for a great cup of ultra rich blends. Colombian coffee is most definitely always Arabica coffee beans but organically grown and cultivated in Colombia. Colombian coffee is known for its amazing quality, high standards of cultivation and packaging and a sweet, citrusy aftertaste that is unique to Colombian Coffee beans. The coffee that is sourced and roasted here has a smooth, dark yet light, luxurious feel.
Colombian coffee is exported majorly by the country as it is one of the staple products of export in Colombia. Many brands now offer Colombian coffee imported from Colombia in stores or on retail websites but consumers must always choose a trustworthy and authentic seller to buy from. Given their moderate to expensive pricing, genuinity must be assured before purchase. A person who finds themselves enjoying a cup of Colombian coffee can never go back to some ordinary coffee ever again.
Types of Colombian Coffee
Even within Colombian coffee, there are a few types based on where the coffee is grown, the roasting process of the coffee beans and the blend of preparation. Some of the most popular types of Colombian Coffee types are:
- Coffee Arabica – Typica
- Coffee Arabica – Bourbon
- Coffee Arabica – Carturra
- Coffee Arabica – Maragogype
One of the biggest customers for the various types of Arabica coffee is Starbucks – Strabucks has been sourcing original Colombian Arabica coffee from Colombia for a long time now and is also helping the country by ethically sourcing and producing these coffee beans. Such are the amazing and smooth coffees that come from this magical tropical land of Colombia.