All About Popcorn – The Good & The Bad

You know, corn. Corn is called an “explosive species,” also known as a “pop species.” Please note that even if you roast ordinary sweet corn, it will only burn. You can make about 60 400ml paper cups with 1 kg of popcorn. It’s about 15g per cup! It’s a very economical treat.
What are the benefits of popcorn?
Lower cholesterol levels
Lowering total cholesterol reduces the risk of later cardiovascular disease (heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis), facilitates blood flow, and reduces pressure on the heart and arteries.
Improves digestion
Whole grains such as popcorn endosperm, germ, and grains containing bran. Being a whole popcorn grain, it contains all the fibers of bran that store vitamins such as B vitamins and vitamin E.
Dietary fiber stimulates the peristaltic movements of the flat intestines, moves muscles, and stimulates digestive juice secretion.
Regulates blood sugar levels
For people with diabetes, getting enough fiber can help reduce these fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Therefore, it has a lot of popcorn fiber and is ideal for snacks. Portion control is important; you should avoid adding high sugar or high-fat sauces to nutritious snacks.
Prevents the formation of cancer cells
Recent research has shown that it contains a lot of popcorn antioxidants. Free radicals are involved in the mutation of healthy DNA cells into cancer cells. Popcorn consumption helps reduce these risks.
Does Popcorn Gain Weight?
It has a lot of dietary fiber and relatively low calories compared to energy density. All of these are characteristics of foods that help you lose weight.
Can popcorn be eaten on a diet?
It is a snack you can take while on a diet because it helps you lose weight for the above reasons. If you eat too much, you may consume too many calories and gain weight.
Are Popcorn Harmful?
Instant popcorn is harmful.
Popcorn Package: What is sold at shops is not as healthy as what is prepared at home. Research is associated with increased risk symptoms of trans fat heart disease and other serious illnesses.
How to prepare is important.
Despite the above benefits, the way it is prepared significantly impacts its nutritional value. Popping at home is very low in calories, but some off-the-shelf varieties are quite high in calories. Varieties purchased from cinemas are often made with unhealthy oils, artificial flavors, and large amounts of sugar and salt.
Popcorn is also nutritious, but be careful not to overeat!
Popcorn is an attractive food that is rich in nutrition, has a high health promotion effect, and is also suitable for dieting.
Depending on the seasoning and how to make it, it becomes easier to get fat.
Popcorn seasoned with caramel and honey has a light and sweet flavor, which is irresistible for those who like sweets. However, the sweeter the seasoning, the higher the calories, and the easier it is for the blood sugar level to rise.
Be careful, as popcorn on the market is heavily seasoned.
Eating out and junk food are heavily seasoned. Popcorn is also more salty and sweet and has higher calories than handmade, so be careful while you are on a diet.
Be careful not to overeat
Popcorn has excellent calories and is suitable for dieting, but if you eat too much, it will become over-calorie, and fat will be attached.
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